Scanning scanning scanning

I am currently in the midst of scanning 20+ rolls of film. Some of these rolls are from June! I know, I know, that's awful. I am a horrible person. Anyway, I can only hope that somewhere among those hundreds of negatives there is at least one image worth working on. But I suppose that's how it always is. Here is a little sampling from my first trip to Venice Beach a couple weeks ago. They're photos of this bizarre RV that was parked in one of the beach parking lots. To be fair, it is probably the least crazy thing that I saw that day. Oh, Venice Beach, how I have absolutely no desire to visit you ever again. At least it made for some interesting photographs! I'll keep adding images as I edit them, so keep your eyes peeled!

To escape the crazies of the beach, I ventured down a funny alley and found this old hotel/ apartment. I love it for the seashell-shaped light.


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