Sometimes you have to play a little to get any work done

This quarter I took it upon myself to take a class that I felt was integral to my graduate career and would also give me much needed inspiration. I have realized (as it has also been pointed out to me on several occasions) that I often get very preoccupied by the academic and conceptual aspects of my work. (It's really because I am stubborn, however I like to refer to it as perseverance.) This causes extreme frustration, hindering my ability to create anything. Anything at all. So, I thought to keep the creative juices flowing and to brush up on sequencing and editing work, I would take the Photographic Book.

The 500 required images every week is fairly daunting, considering I have several other things I have to be shooting simultaneously. Like, my thesis. That aside, I feel like I'm playing and I'm having a lot of fun while doing work for this class, which is refreshing and actually helping me brainstorm new ideas for other work. (I am shooting Through the Viewfinder, or TTV... refer to the previous post on 9/10/08 for a more elaborate description of the concept.)

If anything, I got to build a balsa wood and masking tape contraption for this process! I found great joy in that activity.

I think it was a good decision, and since I have so many new images, I thought I'd share some. They're just a random sampling... I'm going to expand on the images that are shot outside and probably not use the interior shots, but I liked them just the same. Right now, the narrative is based on process, but who knows what story will appear once I get farther along in the project. I'll keep you updated, there are definitely more where these came from.


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