My Colorado Adventure

I apologize for not posting recently... at all. However, I decided that, considering I am a photographer, I should probably have blog posts that are not limited to epic stories about recent interactions with severely ridiculous people, and that maybe I should start posting my work for once. So, in the next few weeks before school starts, I find myself with a sparse work schedule and an exciting amount of free time in which I think I can really get some awesome work done, or at the very least, elaborate on some things that I have already been doing.

At the beginning of August, I took my much awaited "vision quest" to Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass Village, Colorado, outside of Aspen. "Vision quest" is really just a euphemism for "photo camp", which sounds pretty nerdy when you think about it, but is essentially what I did for a week there. All photo, all the time. And it was actually pretty amazing. I had a new motivation for working and I just couldn't stop myself from spending 14 hours a day in the darkroom. I took a week long platinum and palladium printing workshop with Dan Burkholder. He's pretty well known in that field, so it was great to learn from someone who is so experienced. He's also a big name in the HDR, or High Dynamic Range, world. High Dynamic Range is a pretty ridiculous concept, however, you can definitely accomplish some amazing things with it, especially if you're shooting and you're faced with some tricky or confusing lighting situations. He published The Color of Loss, a book about the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. These are all HDR images, so you can check them out to get an idea about what some of it looks like. Not all HDR looks so painterly, it really depends on the photographer's preference, but it's a very versatile technique. I think I might work on some of that this week.

Anyway, here are some images that I worked on while I was there. These are in their original state, but I'll post the platinum/ palladium prints a little later.


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